by Sofi | 16,07,15 | ARTICLES, Language Learning
Imagine you arrived to Sweden one hundred, or even twenty years ago Understanding the necessity of learning the local language, you would probably try to get hold of a Swedish teacher, joining group sessions or paying a little extra for private tuition. Your budget...
by Sofi | 16,06,25 | ARTICLES, FEATURED, Featured: VOICES, Interviews, Language Learning, Swedish Language Training
Has it ever happened to you during your Swedish classes, that suddenly there are German words coming out of your mouth, although you have not said one single word in that language since you finished high school? Does your teacher tell you over and over again that you... by Sofi | 16,06,15 | ARTICLES, FEATURED
Is fika a dying phenomenon? A recent article in Business Insider suggests that fika is not what the international hype is suggesting. In fact, Swedes themselves tell of fika as a dying concept, something they do with their grandmother once a year. Is...
by Sofi | 16,06,02 | ARTICLES, Featured: VOICES, Pronunciation, Swedish Language Training
Recently, one of our Facebook posts caught much more attention than I expected. The question: how to pronounce number 27 – tjugosju – like a Swede. Most Swedes would not spell out the whole tjugo, but would shorten it to tju – making 27 tju-sju.... by Sofi | 16,05,23 | ARTICLES, Reader's Question
Hi @beeswedish, I will be moving to Sweden this fall. Is Swedish a difficult language to learn? /S I do not know if I am the right person to answer this question. After all, I do not know if learning your mother tongue even counts as learning a language. I can... by Sofi | 16,04,15 | ARTICLES
“Brännboll”. How would one explain the most common recreational sport activity during summer time to a newcomer? “Burn ball”? Being brought up in Sweden, where sports is a common ice-breaker in social settings, “brännboll” is a part of my strongest childhood memories,... by Sofi | 16,03,02 | ARTICLES
There is no fixed date for the first day of spring. Instead, SMHI (svenskt metrologiskt och hydrologiskt institut), who is in charge of Swedish weather and climate, defines the start of spring as seven consecutive days with rising temperatures between 0 and 10 degrees... by Sofi | 16,01,02 | ARTICLES, Expressions, Featured: VOICES, Reader's Question
Reader’s Question: Hey @BeeSwedish do you have any tips on fika room small talk? How to begin a conversation when you have no idea where to start. Swedes are rather infamous for the lacking small-talk skills. We even call it kallprat – cold talk, which... by Sofi | 15,12,06 | ARTICLES
It could be in the middle of the night – it is dark enough, and you are dead tired. But it is eight in the morning, early December, and you are in Sweden. You cannot remember why you chose to come to this place, but here you are, standing on a cold and wet platform,... by Sofi | 15,12,02 | ARTICLES
Your CV maps out your experience and skills. Your covering letter and your interview is the chance for you to show the person behind. The aim of this? The recruiter or employer wants to know who you are, how you are likely to act in a certain situation, and what role...