by Sofi | 17,10,05 | Book Reviews, Language Learning
Do you know the concept of interlinear books? The concept is very simple. Any work of fiction or non-fiction is translated (as directly as possible, word by word) and you can read the translated version below each word. The target language, that is, the one you are...
by Sofi | 17,10,05 | ARTICLES, BEAUTY, Book Reviews, Swedishness
Something rare just happened. An expat writer just published a book about Sweden, adding a welcome perspective to the handful of books available on this admittedly niche subject. Worth mentioning is, published rather recently, Brown’s Fishing in Utopia, that fishing...
by Sofi | 17,09,26 | Uncategorised
If you are talking about 100 % of something, how do you express that in Swedish? There is hel, helt, and hela, but also all, allt and alla. There is a logic to it, but ALL or ALLT First of all, because this is the easiest. The two singular forms of all are used for...
by Sofi | 17,08,27 | ARTICLES, BEAUTY, Swedish Work Culture, Swedishness
What to wear. The art of fitting in (in Sweden, of course) As the Swedish business crowds are returning to town, after sealing all the important deals under the pretence of leisure and below birch branches in the summer gardens, you might be back to business,...
by Sofi | 17,08,25 | BEAUTY, Uncategorised
I am not a poet, and I will never be. But I am fascinated with language, and partly because of its reflection of culture and social practice. Somehow, our language enables us to think, and learning a new language always give your insight into a new way of thinking. In...