by Sofi | 15,08,29 | ARTICLES, Reader's Question
Reader’s question: Hi Sofi, I am in the technical field, which many seem to think is the more open when it comes to language – and in a way, it might be. However, if you read the job ads, even though these are sometimes written in English, they mostly want... by Sofi | 15,08,14 | ARTICLES
Summer is over, and Swedish business is about to settle back into its slow yet productive rhythm. Perhaps you are starting a new job, or hoping that the new season will bring new possibilities. Perhaps you are hoping to make friends with your colleagues. You are newly... by Sofi | 15,08,02 | ARTICLES, Book Reviews, Swedishness
Why do Swedes insist on splitting bills in restaurants? Why is the parents’ net income irrelevant when a student applies for a student loan from the state? Why do Swedes seem so disinterested in the wellbeing of others, if they are a collectivist nation so much... by Sofi | 15,07,23 | ARTICLES, Vocabulary
Än, ännu, även. Do they mean the same? Does it matter which one I use? This is a question I get very often. Fair enough. There is some confusion, and I am pretty sure that your Swedish friends will also get a tiny bit perplexed if trying to explain this. When using... by Sofi | 15,07,13 | ARTICLES, FEATURED, featured: SUMMER
Many of us dream of a Swedish sommarstuga, and early half the Swedish population have access to one, whether this means owning it, renting it, or sharing it with family or friends. What is remarkable about these statistics is not so much this number, although it is...